vroom vroom... the little car

Hello, Goodbye.

Hello, it's been a long time, it's really been too long.
Yet, it didn't feel that long for me.
You see, I was thinking and thinking, and running
that million mile march, and it kept me going.
There, I was, and there, you were with me.
Yeah, I guess I get trapped in my mind, and I hole up
in its little cave, but I promise,
it's a lot bigger on the inside!

Good morning, the sun's rising, and my heart is strong.
Ah, It sings in me in a major key.
Hmmm, you see, I like it when the morning air fills my lungs and it rings
a sound of a thousand brilliant bells, flowing.
Do you hear it too? Maybe it's just me,
but I'm sure I'm not mistaken-- join me with your little pup!
There, wake up with me, and you will see, you can't miss
the morning sun with me outside.

Good day, the blue sky kisses with no wrong.
The day, indeed, feels so short, though we must now be forty!
Yes, it has been a couple years, but with you, time is speeding,
holding me captive, though I certainly have been rowing
in the opposite direction. That's just me!
O foolish me! Haha, wanting to defeat time herself, saying, "Holdup!"
You can call me dumb, romantic, or this
weird looking thing I hold in my center body inside.

Good evening, the sky is painted redder than a swan song.
O, darling do you hear it? That passionate plea!
It creeps upon, and it rips up that stowing
care and gentleness, it takes your breath from me.
I can't breathe-- can you? Up... Up. Up! Up!!!
Get up, you look still as young as twenty, come give me a kiss.
Oh, won't you get up? We must, you see, go outside.

Good bye, the eyes close and so my sky blackens. So long
this darkness, O she tortures me.
She laughs, and can't stop thinking, and I stop running
this million mile march, without you, I can't keep going.
Here, I am, and here, I am with me.
Yeah, I'm a terrible companion; trapped, I hole up
in this little cave, and I promise,
it's gotten bigger since you've not been inside.

back to writing little nonsense poems about nonsense things.