vroom vroom... the little car

A Poem On a Nice Day

'Twas a sunny day
When Apollo got a bit too close
For a spring day degree to stay
And took a chill pill dose

He hung out with frosh
As his energy rose
And as usual dressed posh
That day he wouldn't do COS

Picked up his package
In his temper morose
Got his earbuds from the garage
to listen to his audio prose

He said to his ghostwriter
Eyes wide, finger on pose
"Don't embarass me" you'd better
Or else I might lose

Allison came by
And did as she always does
To tell people of tickets to buy
For dance show before they close

Jisung urged and urged
Told me he needed to "Adios"
And now I am being purged
So, I must as the squatter goes

-- Another Pseudonym --

from Ji-sung's facebook