vroom vroom... the little car


there's a lot of talk about ownership.
you should own up to what you did.
you should own up to who you are.

but what do you do if you don't own anything?
what do you do if you own nothing
or rather, if nothing owns you?

it's not like you don't want to belong.
or to have something to belong to you.
but what if nothing is at home with you?

frustrating- it really is.
when no one seems to care or to see.
that you're trying but it's not working.

and when you've not ownership and are ownerless,
you tend to be as light as a feather.
and that's a problem because you start to float

you float in that space of mind and thought,
where you don't know who you are,
and you certainly don't know where the ground is

you hear people shouting for you to come down.
but where is the ground really? i don't know.
you're not even sure what that is.

it's not as though you're not frightened.
you're as depressed as you could be though you float on.
being high in the mind doesn't really equate to a high.

so you live on and realize there's nothing you can do.
and you smile a little and laugh a lot.
and everyone says, he's doing fine.

no one really cares and it really shows.
the one that said, i care and i like you, didn't mean it.
just needed someone to mess with for the summer.

so what can you really do?
you hover the line between living and dying, gasping.
and when you smell the flowers, realize they aren't flowers.

drift on as you float on, no ownership.
you become untethered, ownerless.
spiral out of control and write a thing.

whatever - end may 2023 or something like that