vroom vroom... the little car

secret recipe (for a simple 65 percent hydration bread)


  • flour (400g)
  • warm water (260g)
  • yeast (4g)
  • salt (8g)


  1. Put the yeast into the warm water and let rest in a warm spot for 10 minutes
  2. Once the yeast has kinda "foamed" up and you can smell the sweet yeasty smell, add salt and then the flour
  3. Knead the dough until dough's texture starts to feel a bit smooth. The dough should not tear as much
  4. Give it a couple love taps
  5. Wipe the sweat off your face
  6. Put the dough in a bowl roughly twice the size of the dough and cover with plastic wrap or wet towel
  7. Play a Christian playlist, and chill as you read The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
  8. Wait for one to one and a half hours until the dough almost doubles in size (but don't let it get bigger -- it might get too big and swallow the whole house!)
  9. Take the dough out, put it on the table, and literally fold into a ball -- be careful not to tear the dough at this point!
  10. Put the dough ball onto a heavily floured or parchment lined sheet with the seam side down
  11. Look at the dough baby one last time and see how little it is
  12. Cover with lightly oiled plastic wrap or floured cloth or just cover with a bowl big enough (this might be best)
  13. Wait eagerly as you pace back and forth for one and a half hours. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees
  14. Come back to realize your baby has become a man
  15. Give it a little kiss and chuck that boi into the blazing oven
  16. Before you close the oven, throw some boiling water on the oven floor (or onto a pan that you preheated with the oven)
  17. This is to make steam so do this again and again for the next 15 minutes
  18. Come back in 15 mins and turn the oven down to 450 degrees
  19. Take the baby out in 15 to 20 more minutes
  20. Wait for one hour (uggh i know) to let it fully mature in taste (or rip into it like a savage)
  21. Enjoy with a side of butter or jam or nutella with your love ones

beginner recipe for my friends who wanted to start baking bread